Changes within Scientific Excellence

Changes within Scientific Excellence

keywords: scientific excellence, scientific ethics, research evaluation, scientific visibility, AI in science, brain drain, funding scientific research, social impact of research, citizen science, scientific policy, open science, open research data, rankings of higher education institutions 

Session themes

New trends in scientific excellence (scientific excellence, sustainable development, research management, social impact, visibility and scientific education)

Ethical turn in science (evaluation, CoARA, ethics, rankings)

Digital turn in science (artificial intelligence, open science and open data) 

Labour turn in science (well-being, brain drain, new professions, research funding)

Social turn in science (social, economic, and environmental challenges, addressing global issues and improving communities, benefits of cross-sector cooperation) 


In today’s ever-changing world, our understanding of scientific excellence is constantly subject to transformations due to emerging challenges related to research methods, technological development, scientific evaluation, ethics of scientific research, digital era, and AI. We would like to analyse the newest trends and conditions for excellent scientific research, look into the key scientific policies and the changes currently taking place in world’s science; we will attempt to understand their causes and effects. We would like to encourage you to send in your proposals for meetings and panels, centred around the following issues: 

  • What is scientific excellence? What factors impact scientific excellence and its development? We seek to initiate discussion on the definition and criteria of scientific excellence; what are they quality and quantity aspects currently deciding about the excellence of research and scientific achievements? How is it affected by technological innovation, advanced research infrastructure and tools, interdisciplinarity and the openness of science and research data, etc.? How do scientific journals and publishers support the shaping of excellent science? 
  • Scientific ethics and ethics in science — issues of honesty, integrity, and responsibility in scientific research. How to promote ethical standards in science and what kinds of ethical challenges do scientists face? Predatory publishers, publishing ethics. 
  • Sustainable scientific development — what are the tasks of science in relation to sustainability issues? Does the traditional understanding of scientific excellence centred around such aspects as quality of research and inventions and scientific publications should undergo transformation to better care for the society and environment, as well as to emphasise the ethical dimension of research, taking into account equality and diversity. 
  • New methods of evaluating science — what are the challenges connected with evaluating the quality of scientific research and scientific achievements? How should we develop and implement more comprehensive and appropriate evaluation methods, taking into the equation the diversity and innovativeness of science? 
  • Research evaluation reforms and reformers — the causes and effects of the emergence of initiatives such as CoARA (Declaration of Research Assessment), which seek a more honest, expert, and open evaluation of scientific results. What are the possibilities, challenges, and consequences of those initiatives? What is the future of scientometrics? 
  • Innovations and transformations in research management — which new management models, strategies, and cooperation frameworks are being implemented to strengthen scientific excellence? 
  • Impact of science on the society — how does science respond to social, economic, and environmental challenges? How does it contribute to solving global problems and raising the quality of life? The benefits of inter-sectoral cooperation. 
  • Visibility of science and scientific education — how can we increase the visibility and influence of research on the functioning of the society? What are the new approaches to science communication and how can we reach diverse audiences effectively? How can we strengthen cooperation between universities and promote scientific mobility in Europe? How can we increase the interest in science and development of scientific skills among young people? How can we meet the challenge of developing innovative teaching methods, promoting gender balance in science, and enabling access to science education for all? 
  • Well-being of researchers — factors that influence the well-being of researchers, such as the atmosphere at work, support from scientific institutions, work-life balance and psychological aspects, including issues of stress, burnout, problems of procrastination, and the provision of a suitable working environment for researchers. 
  • Brain drain — what aspects have an influence on the emigration of scientists and what are the consequences of brain drain on the country of origin? How can we prevent brain drain and create conditions to attract and keep talented scientists? 
  • New professions connected with science — what are the skills and roles connected with such professions as data steward? How can we adapt to the changes and ensure proper support for new professions in science? 
  • Funding of scientific research — challenges in ensuring stable and appropriate funding for research, particularity with regard to competing for limited financial resources. Are the dominant models of science funding optimal? 
  • Rankings of higher education institutions — what are the problems and challenges of creating university rankings? Are they more harmful or beneficial? How can we create more objective, honest, and complex evaluation tools? Do we even need them? 
  • Open science and open data — what are the benefits, challenges, and strategies in open access to data, scientific publications, and interdisciplinary cooperation? How can we support and promote openness in science? 
  • Artificial intelligence and data processing — what are the possibilities and challenges related to using artificial intelligence in the research process? How can we properly use the potential of artificial intelligence and adhere to the ethical standards at the same time?

We are interested in various perspectives, both theoretical and practical, which would contribute to the discussion on possible changes in scientific excellence. We are also encouraging you to send in papers presenting novel research, practical solutions, and case studies.

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